This is an image of William Rudge's record of death, followed by a complete translation.

"No. 193	Rudge 58 years old

Friday, the twenty-eighth day of the month of January,
one thousand hundred fifty nine, at eleven in the
morning, the death of William 
Rudge, engineer, deceased this day at seven o'clock in the
morning at his home on Saint Jacques Street No. 8, born in 
the parish of Saint George the Martyr, Southwark, 
county of Surrey, England, the ninth of December, one thousand
eight hundred, son of the late William Rudge and the late 
Hannah, husband of Ann Edmond, no profession, 
married in Stepney, England for about thirty eight 
years. Thus declared on a
declaration given to us by Edward Rudge, 
engineer, age fifty-two years old, brother of
the deceased, and by Mestsidor le Francois, shopkeeper
officer, age of thirty nine years, all friends of the deceased,
living in this town. 
After the reading, they signed the present act 
together in their presence and certified according to the law
by us. Adjunct to the provisional mayor of the
town of Le Havre, and completed by the delegated
functions of the pubic officer of the state.

Edward Rudge		Lemaredeal

Last updated on 22 Jan 2008.