All 26 Photographs from the Coble Photo Album in Order

Here are all 26 photographs in the Coble Photo Album presented in the order they appear in the album.

1. This is a picture of a man. According to the back, it was taken by C. W. Yates in Wilmington, NC. This appears to be John Bunyan Coble (compare with a photo in which he has been positively identified here.

2. This is a picture of a boy in a uniform. According to the back, it was taken in Richmond, VA.

3. This is a picture of a man. A name written on the front states "Rev. E.B. Channy". According to the back, it was taken in Danville, VA.

4. This is a tintype of a girl. The name written on the back states "Carrie Rudge Coble". Notice the last word appears to have been added later, i.e. after she married.

5. This is a photo of three men. According to the back, it was taken in Wilmington, NC. I believe the man in the middle is John William Rudge (1949-1915).

6. This is a photo of a young woman. According to the back, it was taken by C. W. Yates in Wilmington, NC.

7. This is a tintype of a young woman. I believe it is Caroline Virginia nee Pae Rudge (1844-1922).

8. This is a photo of a young man in a uniform. According to the back, it was taken by C. W. Yates in Wilmington, NC. The signature appears to read "Respectfully, P. W. Tilligaw [?]". I think it is J.A.M. Coble.

9. This is a photo of a man with a beard.

10. This is a photo of a young woman. On the back it reads "To Aunt Sophia, from her devoted neice Addie M. Cook". On the back it indicates it was taken in Richmond, VA in 1872.

11. This is a photo of a baby. On the front it reads "Lelia Munson Houston". It was taken in Richmond, VA.

12. This is a tintype of two young girls. I think these are, left to right, Bettie Louisa Rudge and her sister Caroline Virginia nee Rudge Coble.

13. This is a photo of a very young boy. According to the back, it was taken by C. W. Yates in Wilmington, NC.

14. This is a photo of young woman. On the back it reads "Carrie Rudge Coble".

15. This is a photo of woman. On the front it reads "Alice P. Tomlinson, Bush Hill, N.C.".

16. This is a photo of young woman. On the back it indicates it was taken in Richmond, VA.

17. This is a photo of young woman with a large pink bow. On the back it has a 2 cent stamp that appears to have the words "Feb 28" written on it. I believe it is Caroline Virginia nee Pae Rudge (1844-1922).

18. This is a photo of small boy. According to the back, it was taken by C. W. Yates in Wilmington, NC.

19. This is a photo of a teenage girl. According to the back, it was taken in Richmond, VA in 1872, the date is also written on it.

20. This is a tintype of two young girls. I think these are, left to right, Caroline Virginia nee Rudge Coble and her older sister Bettie Louisa Rudge.

21. This is a photo of a young man. According to the back, it was taken by C. W. Yates in Wilmington, NC.

22. This is a photo of a man in a suit. According to the back, it was taken in Richmond, VA. It is dated Nov. 16 1868.

23. This is a photo of a woman. According to the back, it was taken in Richmond, VA. It is dated 1868.

24. This is a photo of a woman, which was identified to me by Kathryn nee Coble Niven as Mrs. Caroline Virginia nee Pae Rudge. On the back it faintly states that it was taken in Richmond, VA.

25. This is a tintype of a man and a woman. Kathryn nee Coble Niven told me she was told that it was taken in Wilmington shortly before one of them died. This implies it is a photo of John and Louisa nee Mitchell Rudge, taken before he died in late December 1860.

26. This is a reproduction of an original photo of a woman, which was identified to me by Kathryn nee Coble Niven as Mrs. Caroline Virginia nee Pae Rudge.

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Last updated on 3 Mar 2011